research initiative
Promenade has been contracted by The Arts Council to carry out a research initiative focusing on the state of building-based infrastructures for circus in Ireland and how they relate to the needs of the circus sector. During March we held a number of successful focus groups across the country in Achill Island, Dublin and Cork plus an online zoom workshop and sectoral survey. We also met with existing building based organisations for circus and been investigating examples of good practice. The information gathered over the course of this research will help us identify the quality and availability of current resources nationwide and will allow us to create a guide for future infrastructural developments in circus based on sectoral needs.
We would like to sincerely thank everyone who participated in the research, meeting with us, attending a focus group or participating in the survey. Your invaluable contributions and insight will help develop and shape the bright future of circus in Ireland.
Special thanks to The Arts Council and ISACS for their support.